Eighth Grade - Bais Yaakov Elementary of Rockland County
- Pencils
- blue/black pens
- 3 colored pens
- 1 whiteout
- 1 Elmer’s Extreme glue stick
- 1 scissors
- 4 different colored highlighters
- 1 three-hole holepuncher
- 1 1’’ looseleaf
- 2 2’’ hard looseleafs
- 16 subject dividers
- 2 packages of looseleaf paper
- 1 small package of grid/graph paper
- 3 one-subject spiral notebooks (minimum 70 pages)
- 1 2-pocket plastic folders
- 1 Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary
Does not include the T1-34 calculator from previous year.
Please note that school fees and seforim are not included.
Please refer to your school list for complete list.