Fifth Grade - Bais Yaakov Elementary of Rockland County
- 5 sharpened pencils
- 1 eraser
- 1 red pen
- 1 blue/black pen
- 1 sharpener (with a cover)
- 1 scissors
- 2 large gluesticks
- 1 Elmer’s glue
- 1 box of 12 colored pencils/markers/crayons
- 4 different colored highlighters
- 1 soft zippered pencil case with three holes
- 1 supplies box
- 1 holepuncher (1- or 3-hole)
- 2 1” looseleafs (soft or hard)
- 1 1 1⁄2” hard looseleaf
- 12 subject dividers
- 1 one-subject spiral notebook (minimum 70 pages)
- 1 thick one-subject spiral notebook (for Math)
- 1 wide-ruled composition notebook
- 1 package wide-ruled looseleaf paper
- 2 plastic 2-pocket folders
- 1 Merriam Webster Dictionary
- 2 pads standard size post-it notes
Please note that school fees and seforim are not included.
Please refer to your school list for complete list.