Fifth Grade - Bas Mikroh
- Crayons and markers
- 8 sharpened pencils, sharpener
- Blue/black pens
- Colored pens
- 1 red pen
- Scissors
- Elmers liquid glue, glue stick
- Whiteout
Hebrew- 2 black expo markers
- 4 highlighters, different colors
- 1‐2 pocket plastic folder
- 2‐3 prong plastic pocket folders
- 1” white looseleaf with clear plastic cover
- 2” looseleaf
- 10 dividers
- Pkg. looseleaf paper
- 50 sheet protectors (not matte)
- 1 pad square sticky notes
- 1.5” looseleaf
- 8 Dividers
- Pkg. looseleaf paper
- Pkg. sheet protectors
- Small dictionary
- 1 spiral notebook
Please note that school fees and seforim are not included.
Please refer to your school list for complete list.